After 1807, Ostfriesland belonged to the Kingdom of Holland under the rule of Louis Bonaparte, a brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, having been installed by his brother as king of Holland. After 1811, Holland, and of course, Ostfriesland as well, belonged to the French Empire.
Although a part of the land south of Vossbarg had apparently been settled for quite some time, under the direction of the occupation forces a moor colony between Vossbarg and Fiebing was founded at the start of the 19th century. This colony is mentioned in a document "the Dutch/Holland Colony." Because it lay between Vossbarg, Windbarg and Riesbarg (Neudorf), higher sandy, geest areas that "towered" over the moorland and proudly nicknamed Barge (mountains) by the Ostfriesians, this colony was named tüschen Bargen (between the mountains). Curiously, however, the high German name, Zwischenbergen came about.
 The first settlers arrived in 1810, most of them from Strackholt, but some from other parts of Ostfriesland. Difficult beginnings occurred here at Zwischenbergen, as had happened in most of the moor colonies. The soil was depleted after about six years. Hunger and poverty were the lot of the settlers. It is from this era that the saying arose from the moor pioneers: The first one reaps his death, the second privation/need, and the third his bread/sustenance -- success came only to the third generation of moor pioneers. This extreme poverty was the reason for the emigration of many from Zwischenbergen to America, pursuing their fortune there.
In 1867 Major von Seweloh decreed a prohibition for Zwischenbergen, that, though only 400 morgen had been brought under cultivation after 1810, a remaining 600 morgen were to remain undeveloped. In 1850 there were 200 residents in Zwischenbergen with 43 households. In 1984 there were 350 residents in Zwischenbergen.
As a result of the redistricting of 1972, Zwischenbergen, as well as Vossbarg, was included in the consolidated district of Wiesmoor.